Story of Journaling: Methods and Tips

6 min readAug 29, 2021


how to start your Day 1 journal — finding the best way to write a journal

Photo by Sixteen Miles Out on Unsplash

For several years, I have been writing my journal.

I think it began in junior high when I started to write my first book ever, filled with stories and drawings. Although, it was more like a scrapbook rather than a journal.

For a person who had never had a proper journal, I was pretty satisfied with the result. My first scrapbook had triggered me to write even more. I found myself enjoying this activity a lot. A year after that, I decided to buy a new book to write and my days of journaling has begun since then.

The best thing about journaling is creating your time capsule. It’s like photography on a piece of paper.

Just like how you use a camera to take a picture, you might need to find a perfect angle and stuff. It goes the same way with journaling.

Based on how you want to capture your story, you need to determine what to write and how. The way you write would also determine by your book. Whether a short note or a long description, it will depend on the book choices.

In this post, I’d like to share how I do my journal, some tips, and the best methods to write a journal based on my experience.

My journals for the last five years. (Source: author)

How I write my journal

Most of the time, I write in several different methods based on the mood and situation. I also consider my book choices as one of the essential things. Either you want to write a narrative journal or just a short and an organized one to write your goals, it’s always better to choose the right book first.

Right after you decide, you can start writing your journal. Your Day 1 has just started. Here are some options that I use while filling my journal.

first method

The first method that I use is precisely writing a description of the story.

Photo by Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

By this means, you describe and write in detail. Writing like this is a basic way to write a journal.

I usually write in detail on something that seems important to remember while trying to explain it in words. It could be an event that happened that day or some thoughts and feelings. It could be anything, to be precise. Everything that I feel like I might have a small percentage to remember, I’d go with this way of journaling.

The best book for this method that I use is a plain notebook. You can find it in any book store — it’s really easy to find. I always prefer to choose a book with thick yellow paper that has a wide space. Find the one that you feel most comfortable with. The type of book does matter. Try one, and see how you like it.

Source: Author

A good thing about this method is having detailed information about a certain situation. As you write in a long narrative, your writing might look like a novel. Sometimes, I add a title, quotes, and highlights. I pretend to be a novelist who writes her own story and from my point of view, it’s fascinating.

It took me around 1–2 hours to finish journaling with this method. Pretty time consuming — as I’m slow in writing. But, I always love the result of writing this way. As I said, it’s like writing my novel with me as the main character.

second method

The second method is to put some notes on a monthly calendar.

Photo by Eric Rothermel on Unsplash

Imagine you have many things to write, but you don’t have enough time or feel like writing. You want to start the next day but are worried you might forget. Thus, this method might be the best fit!

I’m pretty slow at writing. Above all, my writing habit also depends on my mood. So, when I’m not into writing, I need to keep on track of something I would write later, using this method.

Here’s what I do!

I cut the calendar and put it on my book. I know it looks messy. But, it’s fun to fill that out.

I cut a calendar after filling and marking the dates. Whether it appears to be something I want to write about or just simply a reminder. Writing this way helps to create a summary rather than just plain writing.

You can see in the picture the way I write. I know it looks stuffy. But, that’s just how I prefer to write it. I simply combine journaling and decorating. To make it short, just do whatever you want. A piece of paper of your journal is the zone where you can be creative.

Everyone is basically an artist. Let your artistic side out. Be free.

Using Planner

Photo by Alexa Williams on Unsplash

If you didn’t like to have a separate (calendar and book, like I do), you could always find a book that provides both.

Using a planner might be the best when you prefer not to write in too much detail. A planner is a book with an organizer, datebook, daybook, usually comes with a year planner or day planner. It is designed to be portable. But, you can always find different sizes in the market.

I have been using a planner for three years now. I’m happy with it. It allows me to be more organized while still be able to write. Based on the planner, I get to choose where to write a goal, daily targets, or some notes. I indirectly demanded to be more disciplined with my schedule and goals.

As an alternative, planner provides this simplicity of journaling. It’s portable and vary. For me, I always go with a medium size planner that goes with a thick paper.

How I start my day 1 journal

Grab a pen and a piece of paper. Then, write.

Simple, isn’t it? But, the thing is, many people face a problem where they don’t know what to write. When it comes to journaling, they think it as they want to create a novel or something.

But, that’s not how it works.

Journaling is basically writing while being true to yourself. Only let the positive one that flow. Try not to think too much while you do your journal. Don’t force yourself to write. Being free is the key and your journal is a safe area to begin with.

Summary (with little tips)

Photo by Shifa Sarguru on Unsplash

Whether it is in a small or a bigger book, it’s always best to pick the book first based on how you prefer to write. If perhaps using those three methods isn’t helpful, you can always come up with something that more convenient to you.

Remember to always look at the positive side and keep writing. Do not stop is the key. No matter what your purpose is, you are always free to write everything that you consider of. Your journal is your it’s a free zone and your safe area.

Writing might just be a pen with a paper. But, you have to know that it’s more than that. Believe that your writing does have power. Don’t force anything in writing your journal. Find your soft spot.

In the process, journaling has to be fun and it needs consistency. It’s important keep things enjoyable. Keep that in mind :)

